So this is day 2 of the COVID diary and I'm sad to announce that I GOT COVID TOO! We are not sure how I got it from my husband. But somehow between leaving food at the door for him, washing his dishes and just taking care of him, I got COVID.
Ever since my husband got COVID, I've also been doing COVID testings on a daily basis. The tests always came back with the one line only. However, this special day came and my test showed two lines!!! I was very surprised as I wore a mask everywhere I went and especially when I was taking care of my husband. He was also quarantined in our bedroom and never left the room.
I was super worried that David, who was only two month old, would get COVID from the two of us. Therefore, I sent him to my mom's place. It was a really tough decision, but David wasn't vaccinated and we were worried about him catching the virus.
So day one of me getting COVID wasn't bad at all as I only had a light cough and that was it. However, day two felt like I was hit by a train. My friend also told me that day two would be the hardest. I had a high fever, intense cough, felt lots of fluids in my lungs plus hot and cold chills. It was the total package of sickness all wrapped in a nice bow. Day two was when the suffering began.
What worked for me though, were these total cold and flu extra strength pills from the life brand (they are not paying me to say this). I had to take them every four hours in order to not feel horrible. They worked really well and they really helped with my symptoms. These pills were recommended to me by my brother-in-law, who just so happened to have COVID before the two of us newbies.
As I'm writing this post, I'm actually coughing up the storm still. The pills help with my symptoms but I still have my persistent cough. I am taking some Taiwanese herbal cough candies that are not candies at all but more like the most disgusting thing you've ever tasted. However, they work like a charm and help with the cough. My dad actually buys them from Taiwan and till this day I still don't know where he gets them from. It's a secret in the family that hasn't been passed down to me yet.
All in all, COVID has been pretty nasty to me. Needless to say, I miss David terribly and really hope that both my husband and I can get better soon so that we can pick him up from my mom's house. Meanwhile, my mom has been sending me cute little videos of our dear son and I wonder if he misses us at all. He mainly drools and looks cute on video. Only if he knows how much the two of us miss him, he would probably cry.
Hopefully COVID will leave this household soon. Until then, I shall see you in my next post!